KPs don't normally need to import this module or instantiate
its classes. They receive an instance of its main class,
SuitcaseFilesystem, as the return value of the
get_suitcase() method of the KOS bastion.
Instances of the other two classes are accessible through this
Some other tools in the KOE use this module explicitly
to simplify the use of the suitcase part of the KP
representation object.
- SuitcaseFilesystem
(repr) -> instance
- This class provides an interface to the KP's suitcase that
``feels'' like Python's os module. Methods are
listed below. The data attribute path is an
instance of the SuitcaseFilesystemPath class described
below. Other data attributes are not available. The suitcase
filesystem uses a '/' as a delimiter, '.' for the current
directory, and '..' for the parent directory. There is no
environment, path separator, or default path associated with
the suitcase filesystem.
- SuitcaseFilesystemPath
(sfs) -> instance
- This class provides an additional interface to the KP's
suitcase that ``feels'' like Python's os.path
interface. Methods are listed below.
- SuitcaseFile
(sfs, path[, mode]) -> instance
- This class implements a file object returned by the
open() method of the SuitcaseFilesystem class
above. It behaves similar to standard Python open file
objects, and is in fact implemented as a subclass of the
standard Python library class StringIO.StringIO.
Methods are listed below.
Instances of the SuitcaseFilesystem class have the
following methods. Unless noted otherwise, these raise
IOError for exceptions. For more elaborate descriptions
of the very similar standard functions see the section on standard
module posix in the Python Library
Reference (except that the open() method
here is more like Python's built-in open() function than
- mkdir
- Create a directory.
- open
(path[, mode]) -> file-like instance
- Open a file; mode can be 'r' for reading or 'w' for
writing ('a' mode and the '+' modes are not supported).
Return an instance of SuitcaseFile.
- open_gz
(path[, mode[,
compessionlevel]]) -> file-like instance
- Open a compressed file. If the
gzip module cannot be imported, this raises the
Nogzip exception. The argument mode is as for
open() above. When opening for writing,
compressionlevel is the desired compression level, from
0 (least compression, fastest) to 9 (maximum compression,
slowest), defaulting to 9.
- chdir
- Change the current working directory.
- getcwd
() -> string
- Return the full pathname of the current working directory.
- listdir
(path) -> list of strings
- Return a list of names of files in a directory.
- unlink
- remove
- Remove a file (two names for the same function).
- rmdir
- Remove a directory.
Instances of the SuitcaseFilesystemPath class have the
following methods. For descriptions see the section on
standard module posixpath in the Python Library
- exists
(path) -> Boolean
- isdir
(path) -> Boolean
- isfile
(path) -> Boolean
- normcase
(path) -> string
- isabs
(path) -> Boolean
- split
(path) -> (string, string)
- join
(path1, *paths) -> string
- splitext
(path) -> (string, string)
- splitdrive
(path) -> (string, string)
- basename
(path) -> string
- dirname
(path) -> string
- commonprefix
(path) -> string
- samefile
(path1, path2) -> Boolean
- sameopenfile
(file1, file2) -> Boolean
- normpath
(path) -> string
- walk
(root, func, arg)
Instances of the SuitcaseFile class have the following
methods. For descriptions see the section on
file objects in the Python Library
- read
([nbytes]) -> string
- readline
() -> string
- readlines
() -> list of strings
- write
- writelines
- tell
() -> integer
- seek
(pos[, how])
- flush
- isatty
() -> Boolean (always false)
- close
There is no fileno() method.
- Nogzip
- Raised when the gzip module cannot be imported